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New York Construction 

The New York Construction team has the ability to offer full labor law coverage as well as restrictive coverage for contractors operating in New York.

Coverage Highlights 

General Contractors

  • Focused on renovation/remodeling
  • Minimum premium: $45,000 


  • Direct employee exterior height work limited to 2 stories
  • Minimum premium: $45,000 

Off-Site Wrap: 

  • GL program where 100% of operations are covered under project specific policies 
  • Minimum Premium: $10,000 

Limited Form (Action Over Excluded or Full Sub Warranty):

  • Capabilities include: new ventures, ground up construction, direct employee height work
  • Minimum premium: $5,000

Excess Capacity 

Excess offering aligns with our focus on the primary underwriting of the book.  Any capacity is subject to the characteristics and underwriting of each risk.

  • Lead Position – up to $5,000,000 in supported excess limits
  • Abilities to offer $2M/$4M/$4M primary GL limits
  • Minimum Premium (Full Coverage): $25,000
  • Minimum Premium (Limited Form): $1,500/mil

Prohibited Classes

  • NYC Street and Road
  • NYC Water/Sewer Main
  • Crane
  • Demolition
  • Scaffolding